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The couple shared their dating story that led to their sweet engagement below. We’re loving one of the bride’s florescent shoes, and the attendants’ dark orange dresses, which complement the wedding attendants wearing cream suits to match the other bride’s ivory wedding suit paired with a white button-up shirt and camel-colored dress shoes.HOW THEY METAshley and Jamie met at work in winter of 2016. They crossed paths in busy hallways and didn\u2019t have an actual conversation until June 2018, when Ashley came over to Jamie\u2019s work unit and said, \u201cWe\u2019re all going out after work. Do you want to come?\u201d And Jamie said yes without hesitation! After work they all headed downtown to Lalo\u2019s for margarita pitchers and dancing. Ashley and Jamie spent the entire night dancing and only with each other. Weeks passed and because of vacation, training and schedules, Ashley and Jamie just kept missing each other at work. Ashley once made small talk about grilled cheese and Jamie argued that she could make it the best. Their friend James told Ashley \u201cShe likes you\u2014girls just don\u2019t talk about grilled cheese at 10 p.m.!\u201d They never got to talk about that night at Lalo\u2019s, but each of them told friends \u201cThere’s just something about her…\u201dEventually, Ashley arrived on Jamie\u2019s work unit again and asked if she was free to come over after work, and that her neighbors and a coworker or two were going to this \u201cFreak Easy\u201d event in the city. Jamie\u2014obviously intrigued, confused, but dying to know more\u2014happily agreed. They arrived at the Freak Easy, a house\/warehouse hidden party in the middle of a quiet street with rules written on a wooden board: Consent is Key, Be respectful to your neighbors. It was a colorful and friendly space with live music, live artists painting right in front of you, professionals breathing fire just outside, and they must\u2019ve had a strong belief in not turning on the AC as it was the hottest night of their lives. After the night ended around 6 a.m., their friend and coworker Edith drove them home, but for some odd reason, both in a silly stupor, Jamie and Ashley looked at each other in the backseat, and jumped out of the car at a red light (safely) and ran into the lawn sprinklers (in jeans) laughing and screaming!!Jamie kissed Ashley that morning, and when they arrived at work a few hours later, their supervisor announced their new work assignments. Ashley and Jamie looked at each other, each holding back a smile\u2014when he announced they were \u201cMobile Security No. 1 and Mobile Security No. 2.\u201d They\u2019d be working side by side together at least for the next three months, which eventually turned into six months, which turned into a year. A beautiful metaphor of what their future would come to be. Ashley and Jamie fell into a relationship unlike any they\u2019ve ever known, and it all started with \u201cNo Rules,\u201d their self-made foundation of trust, communication and disregard for stereotypical norms of dating, the social \u201crules\u201d and how-tos of navigating a new relationship. Their love continued to flourish by saying and acting how they felt in the moment, and trusting it would all fall into place.HOW SHE ASKEDAt Lollapalooza in 2018, after several hours of intense, long eye contact, and waiting for the right moment, she couldn\u2019t keep it in any longer, Jamie told Ashley she loved her, and Ashley said she loved her too while The Weeknd was performing on Hutchinson Field. Two years later on October 16, 2020, in that spot on Hutchinson Field, it was also the place where Ashley got down on one knee and asked Jamie to marry her. And Jamie replied, \u201cAre you f***ing serious?\u201d Moments later she found the right words: \u201cHELL YEAH.”THE WEDDING STYLEThe wedding featured vintage, tropical and bright elements including bright pink flowers, orange linens, shades of orange and copper gowns for the wedding attendants, all captured by vivid photography. 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