[{"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BlogPosting","@id":"https:\/\/equallywed.com\/rooftop-and-garden-engagement-session-with-surprise-second-proposal\/#BlogPosting","mainEntityOfPage":"https:\/\/equallywed.com\/rooftop-and-garden-engagement-session-with-surprise-second-proposal\/","headline":"Rooftop and garden engagement session with surprise second proposal","name":"Rooftop and garden engagement session with surprise second proposal","description":"To us, our engagement and wedding are extra exciting because they mark a shift to being completely open about our relationship.","datePublished":"2023-06-21","dateModified":"2023-06-21","author":{"@type":"Person","@id":"https:\/\/equallywed.com\/author\/molly\/#Person","name":"Molly Sprayregen","url":"https:\/\/equallywed.com\/author\/molly\/","identifier":10507,"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a82a2bb933fcf821e7a511d30ad3c653?s=96&r=g","url":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a82a2bb933fcf821e7a511d30ad3c653?s=96&r=g","height":96,"width":96}},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Equally Wed","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"http:\/\/equallywed.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/08\/equally-wed-lgbtq-weddings-logo.jpg","url":"http:\/\/equallywed.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/08\/equally-wed-lgbtq-weddings-logo.jpg","width":218,"height":60}},"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/equallywed.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/12\/rooftop-engagement-session-with-surprise-second-proposal-megan-mullins-photography-equally-wed-16.jpg","url":"https:\/\/equallywed.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/12\/rooftop-engagement-session-with-surprise-second-proposal-megan-mullins-photography-equally-wed-16.jpg","height":1333,"width":2000},"url":"https:\/\/equallywed.com\/rooftop-and-garden-engagement-session-with-surprise-second-proposal\/","about":["Engagement"],"wordCount":698,"articleBody":"Caroline (she\/her) and Jean (she\/her) crossed paths several times before they officially met.In 2010, they played against one another in a lacrosse tournament in Birmingham, Alabama. Jean had traveled there from her home in Minnesota to participate. Then, a year and a half later, they both started at the same college and even had a class together.But still, they didn’t meet.Eventually, they came together through mutual friends and dated for 6 years before getting engaged.Jean’s ProposalBefore proposing, Jean was delighted to find out that the couple’s favorite band, Umphrey’s McGee, would be performing nearby on the day she planned to pop the question.Jean proposed on a bike ride just before the concert. At the show, she had arranged for the band to congratulate the couple and also play one of their favorite songs, “Wife Soup.”Caroline\u2019s proposalCaroline had hidden Jean’s ring, but Jean found it and put it on, assuming Caroline wanted her to do so. It turned out, Caroline had simply picked a bad hiding spot. Caroline then convinced Jean there would be no official proposal since she already had the ring.But during their engagement photo session, which began on the roof of the first apartment they shared, Caroline surprised Jean by getting down on one knee and unveiling a sign that said, “Marry Me.”What do you love most about each other?Caroline: Jean is the most caring, thoughtful, and generous person I\u2019ve ever met. She challenges me and encourages me to be better. I can\u2019t believe there is somebody that I want to be around all the time, even when I\u2019m annoyed with her. She\u2019s an amazing cook, and she even makes veggies tasty! Also, she\u2019s the only other person I\u2019ve ever met that hates gum just as much as I do!Jean: It\u2019s hard for me to choose what I love most about Caroline because I love her so completely as a human. She is smart and funny, kind and adventurous, and the perfect combination of silly and serious. She is always looking for the next thing to do as a couple and that drive helps me to get out of bed in the morning. She makes me better. She makes me want to achieve more. I love that she wants to experience everything that life has to offer and that she wants me to be by her side while we do it. She is incredibly positive, which is not how my brain is wired. But with her help, I have noticed the voice in my head has become more positive as well. She is my best friend, my human, my confidant and lover. We have spent our twenties together and I cannot wait to see where life takes us in the decades ahead.What are you most looking forward to in your marriage?We are looking forward to making our commitment to each other officially legal. While we considered having a private wedding, we ultimately decided that it was important for us to have our friends and family witness our public declaration of love. To us, our engagement and wedding are extra exciting because they mark a shift to being completely open about our relationship. We hope it signifies to our guests that we are officially family, just like any other couple, and we intend to be seen that way from here on out.Search our directory of LGBTQ+ inclusive vendors.jQuery(document).ready(function($) {SABAI.init($(\"#sabai-embed-wordpress-shortcode-2\"));}); Select categoryBar ServicesBeauty, Grooming and HealthBusiness Owner Self-Identification-Asian-owned-Black-owned-Immigrant-owned-Latinx-owned-LGBTQ+-Neurodivergent-Trans and\/or nonbinary-Woman-owned businessCateringCeremony MusicCounseling and TherapyDance LessonsDestination WeddingsEqually Wed Pro LGBTQ+ Inclusive CertifiedEvent RentalsFashionFavors and GiftsFlowers and Floral DesignHotelsJewelryLGBTQ+ Inclusive and AffirmingLighting and DecorMusic, DJs and EntertainmentOfficiantsPhotographyPlanningPlatinum Wedding VendorsRestaurantsStationeryTransportationTravelUnique ServicesVenuesVideographyWedding Cakes & Sweets jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#sabai-embed-wordpress-shortcode-2 .sabai-directory-search input').keydown(function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 13) { $(\"#sabai-embed-wordpress-shortcode-2 .sabai-directory-search-submit .sabai-btn\").click(); 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