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Photos by White Rabbit Photo Boutique.","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1578580240-969105669c3081650d9b4a1ced41bc5a4b70da2d06615ba2f0bd7c49ef318dfc-d_295x166","uploadDate":"2022-04-25T16:54:45+00:00","duration":"P0DT0H0M55S"},null],"about":["Engagement"],"wordCount":1081,"keywords":["Disney","engagement photos","theme"],"articleBody":"Welcome to The Hollywood Tower Hotel. We are\u00a0dying\u00a0to have you with us!\u00a0(*cue thunder and lighting!)Anthony, a nurse, and Mark, a banker, are avid Disneyland fans who often frequent the parks, as well as the Disney cruise line with their son, Greyson. So it’s fitting that when it came time to plan their nuptials, The Tower of Terror, based on the fictional Hollywood Tower Hotel \u201cconstructed in 1929,\u201d had to play a role.Anthony and Mark\u2019s Tower of Terror engagement photos at Castle Green in Pasadena, California, and their subsequent wedding transformed\u00a0The Ebell of Los Angeles into the infamous Hollywood Tower Hotel. This theme set the tone for the couple\u2019s spooky, fall wedding full of juicy details, exciting surprises and immersive experiences for their intimate guest list.For those who might not be familiar,\u00a0The Tower of Terror, inspired by the classic television series,\u00a0The Twilight Zone, was an exhilarating elevator ride at\u00a0Disneyland\u00a0in Anaheim, California, from 2004 to 2017, becoming a cult classic that fans miss dearly. These lovebirds especially loved the ride for its storytelling, time-period-specific design, and immersive guest experience. Those theatrical elements were aspects they wanted to carry over into their wedding day!\u201cYou unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension \u2013 a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You\u2019re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You\u2019ve just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.\u201d \u2013 The Twilight Zone narratorStorytelling, overall experience, and theatrical envelopment are something we find truly meaningful. The human species thinks in metaphors and learns through stories.\u00a0Storytelling can inspire, enliven, and create instant rapport. Storytelling makes you FEEL. It is that feeling that is at the core of every incredible event experience.The storyboard for Anthony and Mark\u2019s Tower of Terror engagement photos and wedding takes the viewer on a fictional journey back in time to The Hollywood Tower Hotel.Listed on the National Register of Historic Places,\u00a0Castle Green, in Pasadena, California, acted as our version of The Hollywood Tower Hotel, a fictional hotel located in Los Angeles, CA, just toward the end of Sunset Blvd. The fictional history of the hotel, first depicted in The Twilight Zone and then later transitioned into a live-action ride at Disneyworld then Disneyland, \u201copened\u201d in 1928 and quickly became a beacon for the show business elite.\u201d As the story goes, on October 31, 1939, lightning struck the Hollywood Tower Hotel, and an elevator carrying five guests mysteriously vanished. This storyline is where the elevator\u2019s focus comes into play as the villainous main character of the tale.Although in no way haunted or sinister, Castle Green, now an event venue and elite condominium location, was once originally the Green Hotel. The unique space paid homage to The Hollywood Tower Hotel and acted as the backdrop to our couple’s Tower of Terror engagement photos.As they check in and wander the ornate lobby and notice the grand piano in the foyer, their luggage is being loaded onto the bellhop\u2019s cart. The gentlemen are to be escorted to their room in the hotel by the bellhop, now eager to make their acquaintance.As they walk down the hall, the sound of his collection of hotel keys jingles in his pocket. They notice that there is something very strange and unusual about this hotel. The grandfather clock seems to be moving backward while the lamps that light the walls dime every so softly as they pass. A mysterious feeling washes over the couple. An uneasy dread they can\u2019t put their finger on. A slight terror if you will.While their fear begins to bubble up, so does their curiosity.What is happening, they wonder.They aren\u2019t prepared for what is to happen next.On a seemly lovely afternoon, the happy couple, Anthony and Mark, excited to check into the hotel for a weekend away together, are kindly greeted by the young yet reserved bellhop, played by their real-life son, Greyson.As they enter the elegant elevator, piled high with luggage, the bellhop in tow, and the metal door latches with a distinct scraping. The lights begin to flicker and the bulb swings. The elevator pully begins to crank wildly. They hear a crash and suddenly feel completely weightless.They look down at what was once their dapper attire to find themselves sporting the same bellhop uniforms.They have been taken to another dimension, where they two are now transformed into bellhops, doomed to a life of servitude in The Tower of Terror for the rest of eternity!Be warned, once you check into The Hollywood Tower Hotel, you might never check out!\u00a0With their destiny sealed, these three now begin their journey together as the forever employees of The Hollywood Tower Hotel.Over the last 12 years in business, I have had the creative pleasure of designing many styled photoshoots both corporate and wedding clients, but this shoot for Tower of Terror\u2013inspired engagement photos is my favorite. What a unique way of celebrating not only your partner and the love you have for each other but also the love you have for a passion that brings you both joy! 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