Ben & Jerry’s has long been an advocate of equal rights (they were one of the first companies in the U.S., back in 1993, to widen their health and employment benefits umbrella to recognize unmarried domestic partners). With debates currently underway in the UK government to legalize same-sex marriage, Ben & Jerry’s has partnered with gay rights organization, Stonewall, to raise awareness about the importance of marriage equality by renaming their yummy apple pie flavor an even sweeter name: Apple-y Ever After.


Devoting a flavor to LGBT causes isn’t new to the ice cream giant. In 2009, they changed the name of ‘Chubby Hubby’ to ‘Hubby Hubby’ to celebrate the marriage equality passage in their home state of Vermont.

“This is a proud day for Ben & Jerry’s when we can show our support for a cause that’s at the core of our values,” said Ilaria Ida, Ben & Jerry’s European Social Mission Manager.

On their UK website, they’ve made it easy for voters to contact their MP with a template and contact details, while over on their Facebook page, they’ve created an app that allows you to “marry” someone of the same sex to show your support.

Because everyone is equal and deserves to live Apple-y Ever After.