gay-marriage-brad-pitt-hrcMarriage equality is on the ballot for four states in this election: Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. Everyone from NYC’s mayor Michael Bloomberg to Bill Gates is stepping up to do their part. And now, Brad Pitt has joined in the final push by offering to match donations given to the HRC’s National Marriage Fund to help “put our country on the path to the day when there are no second-class citizens.”

Brad Pitt’s personal plea:

It’s unbelievable to me that people’s lives and relationships are literally being voted on in a matter of days.

In Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington, voters will go to the polls to decide if gay and lesbian couples – our friends and neighbors – are worthy of the same protections as everyone else.

But that’s the system we have and I’m not going to back down from the fight for loving and committed couples to have the ability to marry. Especially when groups like the Human Rights Campaign are fighting these battles day-in and day-out.

So, here’s what I’m going to do. If you make a contribution to these ballot measure campaigns in the next 24 hours, I’ll double it – every dollar of the way, up to $100,000.

This is our last chance to make a difference. If you’re like me, you don’t want to have to ask yourself on the day after the election, what else could I have done?

Every person’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is enshrined in our country’s Declaration of Independence, but powerful, well-funded groups are flooding the airwaves with lies trying to take away those rights from certain people… and we can’t stand for it.

Let’s make history together.

Contribute to HRC’s National Marriage Fund right now, just as I’ve done, and together we’ll put our country on the path to the day when there are no second-class citizens.

Brad Pitt

Kirsten Ott Palladino is the editor-in-chief and cofounder of Equally Wed, the nation’s premier online magazine for gay and lesbian weddings and honeymoons. Follow her @kirs10palladino and subscribe to her newsfeed on Facebook.

Photo: Courtesy of HRC