Former Vice President Dick Cheney is celebrating the marriage of his daughter, Mary Cheney, to her longtime partner Heather Poe.


Mary Cheney (left) with her partner Heather Poe

The couple, who reside together in Virginia with their two children, were married Friday morning in Washingtonn D.C.

The former veep and his family couldn’t be more thrilled. “Mary and Heather have been in a committed relationship for many years, and we are delighted that they were able to take advantage of the opportunity to have that relationship recognized,” the Cheneys said in a statement. “Mary and Heather and their children are very important and much loved members of our family and we wish them every happiness.”

Since leaving the White House in January 2009, his views have reformed from supporting a constitutional ban on same-sex marriages during the George W. Bush administration to the complete opposite.

“I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish,” he said in 2009. “Any kind of arrangement they wish. The question of whether or not there ought to be a federal statute to protect this, I don’t support.”

