All you need to know about getting legally married in Vermont!

april-claire-real-wedding-lesbian-38  april-claire-real-wedding-lesbian-attire-21

April and Claire were married at a barn in Vermont! Photos by Anne Skidmore Photography.

When does gay marriage go into effect in Vermont?

Same-sex couples are currently able to have legally recognized marriage ceremonies.

Do I have to live in Vermont to get married there?
No. Any couple can get married as long as other qualifications are met.

Where can I apply for a marriage license?
A Vermont County Clerk’s Office.

Is a blood test required?

Is there a waiting period to get the marriage license?

How soon after applying for a license can I get legally married?

Are there witnesses required in order to get legally married?

How much is the marriage license application fee?

How long is the marriage license valid for?
60 days.

Can I apply online for a marriage license?
No, you must apply in person.

Do we both have to be there to apply for our marriage license?

What paperwork is required when I apply for my marriage license?
Proof of identification (driver’s license, passport, or state/federal I.D.), proof of residency and social security card.

Who can officiate the marriage ceremony?
Authorized persons to perform weddings in Vermont are judges, supreme court justices, assistant judges, justice of the peaces, and ordained or licensed clergymen. Non-resident clergy need to file for a permit from the county Probate Court where the marriage will take place. Through Act 148, Vermont allows you to have a friend or a family member be the officiant of your wedding through the Temporary Officiant program. After paying the $100 fee and registering for the program, anyone meeting the requirements can be authorized to solemnize a specific wedding ceremony.

If I don’t live in Vermont, will my marriage be recognized by my home state?
The marriage will be respected in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Hawaii, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington State and Washington, D.C. In Nevada, the marriage will be seen as a domestic partnership.

Is my Vermont gay marriage recognized by the U.S. federal government?
Yes, it is!

If I get legally married in Vermont, will I still need special legal paperwork to protect my family?
Yes, if you plan to travel with your partner beyond Rhode Island., it will be necessary for you to hire an attorney to draw up paperwork to protect your family in case something happens in a state where your marriage is not recognized.

Is a divorce decree required?
Yes. You’ll need to provide the city, state, country of each previous marriage and the ending status, such as, by divorce or death. Home and work telephone numbers for both you and your ex(s) are also requested.