
Since 2010, we have served a constantly growing audience of lesbians, gays, trans* men and women, queer folk, bisexual and pansexual men and women, and our straight allies. We feature a myriad of wedding types, from backyard DIY ceremonies to luxurious destination weddings to City Hall marriages. We were founded on one simple mission: to showcase and validate same-sex weddings. Our community is large and varied, and we love it! Now that we’re approaching our fourth anniversary for our wedding magazine, we wanted to take a moment to get some feedback from you, our readers. 

Could you please take 5 minutes to complete our survey so we can better serve you in 2014? Even if you’re a vendor or simply a marriage equality advocate, we want to hear from you. Thank you!

Have a question or suggestion? Email me anytime! kpalladino@equallywed.comKirsten Ott Palladino, founder, editor in chief, happily married lesbian devoted to you