Ted Olson (left) and David Boies

Marriage equality comes before three California judges. Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision to strike down Proposition 8—otherwise known as Prop 8—heads to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Thursday, the Sacramento Press reports.

Walker, who’s gay, struck down Prop 8, citing its unconstitutionality. Marriage equality foes challenged his decision, alleging bias.

Thursday’s two-hour hearing begins at 2:30 p.m. PST, and will feature oral arguments regarding the release of Prop 8 trial video and Protect Marriage’s motion to dismiss. Proceedings will be broadcasted with remote viewing sites in Pasadena, Calif., as well as Portland and Seattle, Wash.

Attorney Ted Olson will argue the public is entitled to see the video, thanks to the First Amendment. Olson claims marriage equality opponents want it suppressed because “they don’t want anyone to know they failed in court, where reason and facts matter.”

Olson’s co-counsel, David Boies will challenge Prop 8 supporters’ hinging their case on Walker’s sexual orientation and relationship status. Applying their logic, Boies believes a gay or lesbian defendant could question a straight judge’s decision.

GOP Candidate Supports Gay Marriage

Gary Johnson

Former New Mexico governor and GOP presidential candidate, Gov. Gary Johnson, supports gay marriage, The Advocate reports. Johnson initially supported civil unions, but now believes “government has no business choosing who should be allowed the benefits of marriage and who should not.” Johnson shared the revelation during a town hall meeting sponsored by GOProud, a GLBT conservative group.

 Photos: Olson, Boies via; Gary Johnson via