
Come as You Are


Come as You Are 

Thirty-five soft sandy beaches, a pristine turquoise sea and friendly islanders welcome gay honeymooners to Curacao By Michael Andre Adams Photo by Michael Andre Adams...

Take Charge! 

Take Charge! Celebrity wedding planner Samantha Goldberg tells you how to look fabulous, show respect to your partner, and take shit from no one By...

Legally Speaking 

Legally Speaking Navigating marriage equality laws in your state By Frederick Hertz QWe live together in South Carolina, a state that does not recognize same-sex...

Visa Vows 

Visa VowsThe struggle with immigration laws and what bi-national same-sex couples should know By Meghan Russell Dylan breached the idea of marriage to his family...
Style Watch

Dress Rehearsal 

Dress RehearsalThree collections for selecting a dashing outfit for your rehearsal dinner By Paloma Naderi When there’s a rehearsal dinner on the docket, the celebration...