Pocket squares are the perfect simple accessory that can add flare to your wedding day style. Dating back to the use of the handkerchief by King Richard II in the 1300s, the pocket square is an easy way to spice up any jacket, coordinate with a color scheme, match your tie or simply express your personality with a fun design.


If you’re new to the pocket square game, we recommend you start with a classic look to practice your folding technique.

how to fold a pocket square


If you are planning to wear a pocket square to a wedding or event, make sure to practice your folding before the big day, whether the fold appears easy or not. You’ll be glad you practiced so you aren’t scrambling to get it right the morning of your big day.


Do you accept this rose? Create this “pro” fold to wear your favorite flower in your pocket. Perfect to match a rose corsage, bouquet or floral centerpiece.



how to fold a pocket square


Choose from a variety of amazing folding methods with this how-to guide from Ties.com. Practice makes perfect and before you know it all your friends will be looking to you as the go-to source for all things pocket square, which we think is a pretty good title to have.