Yes, you read that right, President Trump is now banning words. He is prohibiting officials at the Centers of Disease Control, the nation’s top public health agency, from using a list of seven words in an official document the CDC prepares to be part of next year’s budget.

The list of words includes, “transgender,” “fetus,” “science-based,” “evidence-based,” “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” and “diversity.”

No, we’re not kidding. If you ask us, it seems like “entitlement” in its highest form to be able to ban words from a public health agency that’s in charge of educating the masses.

For a few of the words, alternative phrasing was provided. For example, instead of “science-based,” or “evidence-based,” it is recommended that they say the, “CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration  with community standards and wishes.” In other cases, no alternative was given at all, leaving people wondering how Trump thinks he can just eliminate conversation about transgender people and their health.

“At the CDC, the meeting about the banned words was led by Alison Kelly, a senior leader in CDC’s Office of Financial Services, according to the CDC analyst who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak publicly,” wrote the Chicago Tribune. “Kelly did not say why the words are being banned, according to the analyst, and told the group that she was merely relaying the information.”

This change is leaving people pretty “vulnerable” if you ask us. Don’t ask the CDC that though, because they won’t be allowed to use that word.

Featured image via the Washington Examiner