Natalie + Chloe
Orientation: Lesbian; Queer
Pronouns: She/Her; She/Her
Couple’s Home: San Diego, CA
Proposal Spot: Seattle, WA
Natalie and Chloe celebrated their engagement (and a double proposal) at Seattle’s Discovery Park.
The couple met on the dating app, “Her,” though they had actually known of each other for a few years, as both of them were involved in the theater community
“I had a lot of friends that would talk about her and say how full of herself she was because she always got the leads,” Natalie remembers. “Years later, I thought I was going to get completely ignored by her on the dating app, but we matched and chatted from there and the rest is history! Glad I didn’t listen to everyone about her, she is the kindest soul!”
Who proposed and how?
We both proposed to each other! We knew we each wanted to be proposed to, but we wanted the proposals to be back to back, so we picked two days and each took a day to plan a surprise for the other.
I [Natalie] went first and planned my proposal for Chloe on the 15th of July. I hired a luxury picnic company to set up the most gorgeous picnic cliffside in La Jolla and hired a cello player to play our favorite songs. I surprised her with a video from all of our family and friends on the drive over, and then walked her to the spot and proposed! It was so romantic, everything went nice and smooth.
The next day was Chloe’s day. I knew we were going to be going somewhere overnight since she needed me to pack a bag, but I had no idea where. We woke up early that morning, and she said she had to run a quick errand before we were on our way, so she had me close my eyes in the car. 15 minutes later, she had me open my eyes and we were at the airport! She was taking me to Seattle, which is where we first lived together and started our lives together.
Once we got there, we went to our hotel (and she got a rooftop suite at Hotel Ballard!! What a dream!!), and we got dressed up and ready. She drove me around to some of our favorite spots, I was convinced she was going to propose each time we stopped. Finally we ended up at Discovery Park in Magnolia, we walked down a gorgeous trail lined with trees and she took me to the cutest set up with our favorite wine in the middle of a field and surrounded by trees. Alesha [the photographer] was hiding behind a tree and was able to capture the whole moment (and also set everything up for us!). Our proposals were perfect for us and I definitely hold those memories close to my heart.
What do you love most about each other?
Chloe: I love how caring and loving Nat is. She continuously shows her love for me even on my hardest days. I love how in sync we are. We tend to finish each other’s sentences and know what the other is thinking. It’s amazing to be with someone who truly understands you. I love how committed she is to our relationship and a future together. We want all the same things out of life, and I love how well we resolve conflict with each other, even in our roughest moments I never doubt her love.
Natalie: I love how compassionate and kind Chloe is. I have lupus and can get flares randomly, but she always makes sure I am taken care of. Even if we’re out somewhere, she immediately asks if she can take me home and what she can do for me. I love that she wants life to be fun. Even when we’re just cooking in the kitchen, she’ll start singing and dancing and making me laugh. And I love how she’s always willing to work on our relationship. We’re always growing and changing as we go through life, but we can sit down and talk about our needs and communicate all of our feelings and emotions with the other. I don’t know how I got so lucky.
What are you most looking forward to in your marriage?
Both of us are definitely looking forward to just continuing to grow together. One of our favorite songs lately has been ‘Grow As You Go’ by Ben Platt, and it has rung true for both of us. We’ll continue to grow and change as individuals, but doing it together and standing by the other’s side and encouraging each other to do what makes us happy is so important to us. And of course, being a same-sex couple, we’re definitely looking forward to all the legal aspects that come with marriage. Especially with all my health problems. If anything were to happen to me, having her being the one to make all the decisions and be able to stand by my side is so so important to me.
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Photographer: Rove Coast Photography
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filed under: lgbtq+ engagement, lgbtq+ love, double proposal, lgbtq+ proposal, seattle proposal, seattle engagement
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