Chris Whitaker and Lisa Junkin Smith tied the knot in Oakville, Wash., after a whirlwind romance that began when the two met playingHere be Monsters, a popular Facebook adventure game with hundreds of thousands of players.


Chris Whitaker and Lisa Junkin Smith tied the knot in Oakville, Wash., after a whirlwind romance that began when the two met playing Here be Monsters, a popular Facebook adventure game with hundreds of thousands of players. The two women met and became friends last summer while playing in the same guild (The Mudskippers) and over time discovered their shared interests and beliefs.


Lisa moved from Eastern Washington to be with Chris earlier this year, where the two decided that they wanted to get married and spend their lives together. Gamesys, UK developer of Here Be Monsters, learned that the two women had met and fallen in love while playing the game and the company commissioned a special Here Be Monsters themed wedding cake designed for them by legendary Seattle bakery The Sweet Side, as well as in-game events to help the community celebrate.


“We both play Here Be Monsters and became friends last summer though we lived several hundred miles apart,” the couple said in an email. “We will always be grateful to the makers of Here Be Monsters for creating the virtual world in which we met.”


Michael Heywood, executive producer of Here Be Monsters, is delighted for the couple. He says, “Everybody on the Here Be Monsters team sends a huge congratulations to Lisa and Chris on their wedding! Seeing players form real communities and relationships in the game makes us all very proud, and we’re very glad to have played a small part in their happiness.”


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